SELF PORTRAIT....artistic choice, or just vanity!.... satire, or serious!
I'm a filmmaker with a passion and desire to photograph. There are a few problems with that pursuit. First, I don't own a camera. Ironically, I own a motion picture camera, but not one for stills. Secondly, like the artist who fancies self portraits, FRIEDA, I enjoy self portraits in terms of photography. Is this artistic choice or vanity. Oh, the pic below is of me just returning from a run. I know, it looks like I'm wearing a night gown or something. heehee NO! It's a sweater covering my "daisy duke," running shorts! Maybe, I should lose this photo....
I offer this brief theory, and I will let you decide. Because, I don't own a camera, I use "Photo Booth" on my mac book. The built in camera eye piece looks right at you, winks at you then invites, entices, and dares you to take a photo of yourself, really! Then it's off to the iphoto application and all it's wonder to customize your photo!
Another plausible theory is that I am very spontaneous when it comes to my creative ambitions and I love facial expressions and the contours of the human physique. Who is gonna want to come to a photo shoot where the camera is a laptop! I know of only one person available 24/7, ME!
That's all I got folks, Yay! So, you make the call. However, one thing is for sure, I LOVE my life! xoxo, jd
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