JD Mata Films

J.D. Mata is an actor, independent filmmaker, musician/ Choir Director, Piano Bar player, etc... He lives in Los Angeles. This is the place where he will reveal his "rebel without a crew" Robert Rodriguez inspired style of indie filmmaking secrets! And, just "A day in the life" stuff!

Friday, February 09, 2007

Sleepless in Los Angeles....

Last night, I was out in full 'Vampire" force from 1:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. doing pickup shots for the film. I drew blood right away as a fire truck, ambulance, and police officer, were doing their "Thing," lights flashing and all, at a street corner. It was perfect for the end of one of my "Kill" scenes. Then I shot some cool night exteriors of apartment buildings in Hollywood. The highlight of the night came early when I met these two "Punker" dudes that were giving each other rides on a grocery cart. This is conjecture on my part, but I think they were under the influence of some mind altering treat! I shot footage of them, and when I get a chance to upload the scenes I will post this hilarious adventure! Then the road less traveled led me to downtown L.A. as I drove by "Skid-row." Words cannot describe this reality in L.A. and actually a situation that afflicts the entire nation. In any event, I shot some, up-close and personal, night shots of the skyscrapers. I needed some shots of a bus arriving and leaving when to my pleasant surprise the bus drivers, as I was rolling, let me get in and out of the bus! This will be a "Point of View" shot of my character. In the movie you will see her getting in the bus, and now you know it was actually me! I shot her at the bus stop months ago, MOVIE MAGIC! Then I drove to the outskirts of the city and filmed a SKYLINE shot. As dawn was quickly approaching, and I started to feel the "Vamp" burn, haha, I drove to Burbank and shot an exterior of a Coffee house. I got home around 7:30 a.m., looked at the footage, and promptly retired to my coffin! heehee love, jd


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